I use a Goal Zero Boulder 200 to charge a GZ Yeti 400l. I’d like also to connect the suitcase panel to the Zamp Solar SAE Input on the side of my recently acquired trailer which is wired to a Zamp ZS-10AW solar charge controller that feeds an Interstate 27-HDC Marine Battery (CCA 675/MCA 840/RC 160). Is it possible to feed the Yeti unit and the Zamp controller at the same time or must this happen one at at time? My current GZ wiring uses the APP to 8mm adapter connected a 30-ft 8mm extension. Is there such a thing as an APP to Zamp SAE 30-ft extension? Neither GZ or Zamp has anything.
Well, you have a lot of stuff you are trying to achieve with only 200 watts of solar. Also, your charge controllers are most likely target toward a single battery type. Luckily it sounds like you have 2 different controllers. Hooking the panel to two different controllers will most likely not be a good idea.
Adding a second panel would be ideal. If you can operate outside of any external charge controller, you could make your own converter. Polarity will be really important. If you are unaware of how to complete this, you might try checking at a local vocational school, their electronics department may be able to help.
In closing, get another panel.